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Uludağ Üniversitesi ve Pandora X Doktora ile İş Birliği

Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi (BUÜ) ve Pandora X TÜBİTAK  224 sayılı Sanayi Doktora Programı çerçevesinde bir araya gelerek iş birliği için imzaları attı.  Yapılan anlaşma kapsamında   3 doktora öğrencisi firmamızla birlikte AR-GE ve bilimsel çalışmalar gerçekleştirecek. Language English read more...

Coronavirus Update

Covid-19 | Top Tips for those who cannot stay at home!   We are constantly being inundated with news about the spread of Coronavirus and what we should be doing to protect ourselves. One of those things is to stay indoors, work from home, avoid going out. But what if that isn't realistic for some people? Especially if you can't work from home or you have other responsibilities. What do you do then? Well, there are ways you can mitigate against the risk of coronavirus, even when going about your normal routine:   Hands off! Language English read more...

Want to change systems, but worried about data migration?

Moving to a completely new way of working is bound to cause some anxiety. One of our client's major initial concerns relates to how their current way of working will move seamlessly to the new way. How will all their very important data be transferred? What if it goes missing? What if it gets muddled up? Language English read more...

Compliance and Technology - the perfect match!

Let’s be honest, healthcare hasn’t embraced technology quite as quickly as some other industries. For example, healthcare still often uses fax machines! In the same way, in the ‘old days’ compliance used to involve wading through piles and piles of paperwork. However, these days, with the improvement of technology in healthcare, compliance is a much more straightforward and streamlined process. Language English read more...

Health Plus Care Conference 2019

So, on the 26th and 27th June what are your plans? where will you be? Difficult to say right now? No definite schedule yet? Well, Pandora X know exactly where we will be, and what we will be doing. That, my friend, is what you call good planning. Language English read more...
